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Bouw Mee Construction Sets

Bouw Mee was a construction system for making buildings. The structural elements were made of wood and the panels are assumed to be made of cardboard. It was made by Albouw in Baarn, The Netherlands. Dates unknown.

All the manuals and photos below have come from Caspar Mol's website about Mobaco which also contains info on Bouw Mee to whom I am grateful for the permission for their use. There is more information on the system on his website - https://www.mobaco.nl/Related.html.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Albouw in Baarn, The Netherlands.

Below there are photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Scans of a Bouw Mee instruction manual.
(Added 13/02/2022)

Photo of a Bouw Mee sets.
(Added 13/02/2022)